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Re: Autopatcher v6.2

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:28 pm
by Whatacrock
@parkd1 --- just create a shortcut to autopatcher.exe and in its properties select Run As Administrator.

The Compatibility tab is the one you want...

Re: Autopatcher v6.2

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:32 pm
by parkd1

Re: Autopatcher v6.2

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:58 pm
by netham45
I'm running it from a batch script that is running as admin.

Re: Autopatcher v6.2

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:06 am
by TheAPGuy
If I make it start as admin... windows 7 and up complain about it not being signed. :( At least this way it only complains legitimately if you are attempting installs not downloads.
You can get around that though by making a shortcut and have the shortcut start as admin. Its what I do. I just call it "Autopatcher.exe verbose" since it adds the verbose switch.

Right click drag the exe to an empty spot in the same folder. Click make a shortcut
bring up properties of it
Click on advanced in the shortcut tab
Select run as admin

Re: Autopatcher v6.2

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:17 am
by TheAPGuy
Netham45... yes it should start in the install screen. It does for me at least.

ohh you know what... I think I see the problem. lolz. It doesn't bring up the module loading screen so it looks like it never started up but, in the background it is loading the modules and performing MD5 hash. :oops:

welp, I remember why I was still working on it before the holidays now. Still working on getting the looping issue fixed. Part of the reason it doesn't show the loading window on first load... its because it gets called 2 times. Its the way the startup sequence is set up. I am redoing the startup sequence and separating code into smaller functions instead of giant chunks.

Re: Autopatcher v6.2

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:42 am
by netham45
It doesn't seem to display at all if you provide an answer file and set /unattend. I remove those and it loads after a few minutes.

Edit: It seems to still run in the background with those flags set. I just wrote a quick batch script to stream the log file to the console the rest of my unattended setup is going in.

Could you also make it not hang on the 'You are missing OCX files that need to be installed..." message? I'm trying to get a completely unattended setup that installs SP1, runs AutoPatcher and Snappy, and installs all of the software we need on our images. Other than that one popup I have it completely unattended right now.

Re: Autopatcher v6.2

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:21 am
by TheAPGuy
Tell you what... I will give it a 7 second count down to auto answer.

10 second auto answers is attached. JUST the exe.
Later versions will have this as well. Also a band-aid for the hash check window not showing. I load it before it gets around to actually needing to be up. Does not fix the answers file not working right though...

Re: Autopatcher v6.2

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:51 pm
by TheAPGuy
Sorted out the startup sequence. Will give a bit of a startup boost but, not too much. Most of it is used up in accessing WMI (Its kinda slow). I have an idea on how to shorten that though...

Re: Autopatcher v6.2

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:55 am
by netham45
Awesome, thanks!

Do you guys have a Donate link anywhere?

Re: Autopatcher v6.2

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:29 am
by TheAPGuy
naw... it might actually cost more in terms of keeping that account then it would give to the cause. :/ The site stays up due to me paying the bills. :)