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Is there a way to exclude a certain update permenantly?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:09 am
by paulsm

What a smashing program!! I have been struggling with some other tools and they were not so good. I also built my own WSUS server on my laptop (under VM) to deploy updates - what a nightmare. Got so pi$$ed off with WSUS 3 and MS Server 2003 (I know - bt its all I had) that I deleted the whole VM in a fit of drunken rage on night at 2am while working on a customers machine (I run a small repair shop).

Three things I would like to know:

1. Is it possible to "blacklist" a specific update so that I can use the standard lists but never get presented with a certain patch? Today I am having serious issues on several PC's with KB3038314 that seems to fail constantly (not via Autopatcher I admit). What I want to do is blacklist it in anticipation of it being added to your lists.

2. I have a separate folder for each OS and a separate one for Common/Components/Addons so that the initial scan is quick. I assume this is normal for a tech repairer.

3. I would like to be able to auto reboot and carry on in a loop until all of the "critical" and then all of the "optional" updates are completed. Is this possible or do I need to hand hold it for 5 or so reboots until everything is patched? If not then, if I select all updates under optional (for example - even the one's already installed) then will it simply skip the already installed one's - that could cut my time down in front of the machine by 30 minutes for a new build of W7.

Many thanks

Re: Is there a way to exclude a certain update permenantly?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:33 pm
by Whatacrock
@ paulsm -- this topic has arisen before, read the help section and pretty sure you will find what you need. Am certain that TheAPGuy will be able to shed more light on the subject..

Re: Is there a way to exclude a certain update permenantly?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:29 pm
by paulsm
Thanks Whatacrock. I will hunt around on the site some more but I tried already and had a bit of difficulty pinning down what I wanted to know.

Thanks, Paul

Re: Is there a way to exclude a certain update permenantly?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:32 pm
by paulsm
for example. When I use the search function to search for "exclude update" it only brings up this topic and one about Italian Language. If I try "reboot continue" there is nothing relevant. Am I missing a place to look?


Re: Is there a way to exclude a certain update permenantly?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:12 pm
by Whatacrock
A starting place to your answers may lie here ... 4&start=10

Re: Is there a way to exclude a certain update permenantly?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:23 am
by TheAPGuy
Yes, right click on the update and hit "never show this item" It will be blacklisted in a separate file.

Re: Is there a way to exclude a certain update permenantly?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:16 am
by paulsm
Hi, Thanks whatacrock - that thread does help.
and...... thanks APGuy - I can't believe I didn't try that already - how embarrassing!!!