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Upgrading IE 11

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:11 pm
by ChrisJ
The IE11 upgrade in the Windows 7 releases, in \NonCritical\ has prerequisites ->-> get them in place before you run the upgrade. It's not doable to simply select the update and go, the updates need to be installed first and the system needs to have been rebooted. I think the apm(s) need some attention, it appears a user can simply select the upgrade regardless.

These are important reads for users wanting to upgrade:

IE11 Requirements -
IE11 Install Troubleshooting -

If a subsequent rollup also satisfies the upgrade prerequisite please let me know so I can clarify this post.

Thanks :D

Re: Upgrading IE 11

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:56 am
by Whatacrock
As a matter of interest ChrisJ I did look into this issue some time ago with the notion of creating something that could apply the prerequisites before installing Internet Explorer 11. The more I looked the more it clouded the thoughts so in the end it has been forgotten about, until now...

A note worth taking here is that the system that is being updated MUST be connected to the Internet as there are additional items that IE11 requires.

Further note for reference: Windows 8.1 contains IE11 from the get go..

Final note: Why MS never created a better way to install IE 11 is beyond me (they had in some of the older versions, which was nice but not anymore).

Re: Upgrading IE 11

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:10 am
by ChrisJ

BTW, I was referring to a minor version upgrade, not say, a major upgrade -> 10 to 11. I have Windows 8.1 and my version of IE11 is not the latest minor version as far as I can tell, though it may be for 8.1.