AutoPatcher Engine v6.2.26 - Stuck while installing updates

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AutoPatcher Engine v6.2.26 - Stuck while installing updates

Post by twhunter »


I am using this program because I have been having issue with installing updates on a Windows 8.1 computer. I was able to download the updates from download part without and issues. The issue I am having is when I go and install everything, the install part start then I get to 5% and then just stops. The green parts animation still goes but the remaining time stops and nothing else goes. This has been running for about 2 hours now with no change. Any help would be welcomed.
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Re: AutoPatcher Engine v6.2.26 - Stuck while installing updates

Post by ChrisJ »

I know this post is old but it may still apply, assuming anyone is even using AP to update their systems at this point.

A safe rule of thumb is to select a few updates at a time...reboot... a few more, reboot. How many will depend on each system, but to select everything will only ensure your system will choke. Even Windows Update fails to install everything, you'll see many fail at first but install on the second or third reboot. I usually select the oldest to the newest (release date) figuring the oldest may need to be in place (installed) and any updates that came later will simply overwrite (update) or coexist (dependency) with the earlier update.

Is this perfect, no, but this whole updating Windows has become so tiresome anyway yet we must chronically deal with the nature of what is known as the modern day operating system that is no longer local to our individual computers but connected to the rest of the world via the internet. Linux isn't immune nor is Mac regardless what the fans may tell you.
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